Bad teeth stop one in four smiling in photos

Bad teeth stop one in four smiling in photos


A quarter of Brits refuse to smile in 'selfies' and pictures - because they are worried about their teeth looking bad on social media, a survey has revealed.

The study shows a quarter (28 per cent) refuse to smile in pictures to hide their teeth while 81 per cent of us worry about how our teeth look in photographs.

But the research shows that we are far from being a teeth-proud nation.

Of those surveyed, 42 per cent confessed their teeth were the number one thing they would change about themselves and more than a third - 35 per cent - admitted being embarrassed about the appearance of their teeth.

And 63 per cent said they wished their teeth were whiter and cleaner.

Sparkling celebrity teeth could be fuelling these feelings of dental inadequacy, as 53 per cent of those polled said they feel pressured to have impeccable teeth because of those displayed by modern celebrities and public figures.

More than 2,000 people were polled in the survey for BUPA.

But the root cause of this anxiety about our teeth could be because Brits are not giving their teeth and gums the proper TLC they need as 47 per cent of respondents admitted they don't know how to brush their teeth properly.
And further dental confessions revealed that 29 per cent don't even use toothpaste; 50 per cent don't use mouthwash; 68 per cent don't use floss; just nine per cent admitted to regularly sharing a toothbrush with someone else.

The nation's knowledge of where they should brush, and with what, also needs a refresh, as the results revealed 13 per cent don't polish behind their teeth, 41 per cent don't brush their tongue and 16 per cent don't clean their gums.

One in five - 20 per cent - said they regularly use chewing gum as a substitute for brushing their teeth.

Dr Steve Preddy, Dental Clinical Director of Bupa Dental Services, said: 'Regular brushing and having a clean, healthy set of teeth is a vital part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Yet worryingly, our research highlights how many people are ignoring the art of brushing their teeth properly.

'Modern, state-of-the-art electronic toothbrushes and interdental tools provide a wealth of different ways to clean. So there should be no excuse for not brushing for two minutes twice every day, and in conjunction with seeing a dentist regularly, we encourage people not to neglect their teeth and gums.'

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