How to choose toothpaste: recommendations of dentists

How to choose toothpaste: recommendations of dentists


Ideally, toothpaste should recommend a dentist.

British dentists were told about what kind of pasta are suitable for each individual. The most important ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride which helps to restore the mineral density of teeth and prevent tooth decay.

At the disposal of scientists there is abundant evidence that the use of toothpaste with fluoride twice a day reduces the risk of tooth decay. If you belong to a risk group in connection with threat of occurrence of this disorder, then you need to choose toothpaste with a high fluoride content.

However, to use only on the advice of the dentist. Another common ingredient in toothpastes is triclosan. Scientifically proven anti-bacterial effect, it helps to reduce the intensity of dental plaque and protects against cavities and gum disease .

Although some time ago in the United States banned the use of triclosan in soap, it is still common in toothpastes. Whitening toothpastes mostly work by increasing the abrasive properties of the product.

A mildly abrasive toothpaste to help maintain clean teeth and prevent stains. Some whitening toothpastes also contain peroxide, but there is no scientific evidence which would indicate that this ingredient is effective.

The owner of the teeth sensitivity you need a special toothpaste, which is quite effective. Part contains nitrate and potassium citrate, which do not allow nerves to transmit signals to the brain. In order to experience the effectiveness of these toothpastes, you need to use them at least two weeks.

Other pastes contain strontium, arginine and sodium-calcium-phosphorosilicate that just block the holes in the dentin, leaving the teeth roots.

It’s hard to say what choice you should make when buying these pastes, as many of the so-called active ingredients have not been tested independently. But it is better to find a toothpaste for sensitive teeth, which also contains fluoride.

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