Dentist - Tigran / Prices without discount / Update 01.06.2024
  Service name Price (AMD)
General services
  Պարոդոնտիտների թերապևտիկ բուժում(փակ կյուրետաժ) 30000  
  Պարոդոնտիտի բուժում,վիրահատական 50000  
  Մինչեւ 6 ատամի բեկակալում 30000  
  Glass-fiber post fixation 4000  
  Full restoration of the tooth by light cure nanocomposite material 15000  
  Root Canal Treatment using endo tips: three channels (Root Canal Treatment by gutta-percha: three channels) 25000  
  Root Canal Treatment using endo tips: two channels (Root Canal Treatment by gutta-percha: two channels) 20000  
  Root Canal Treatment using endo tips: one channel(Root Canal Treatment by gutta-percha: one channel) 17000  
  Root Canal Treatment: one channel 14000  
  Root Canal Treatment: three channels 22000  
  Root Canal Treatment: two channels 17000  
  Root Canal Treatment: four channels 22000  
  Root canal treatment. Periodontitis, refilling (one channel) 30000  
  Gum treatment 20000  
  Gum treatment 30000  
  Gum treatment 40000  
  Cavity filling by light self cure filling 16000  
  Casting metal crown 12000  
  Fiberglass bridge 48000  
  Partial casting denture 250000  
  Ceramic crown based on precious metals 40000  
  Temporary resin crown 8000  
  Veneers 35000  
  Casting post and core 7000  
  Casting titan post and core 15000  
  Ceramic crown (metal free) 130000  
  Zircon-ceramic crown 90000  
  Porcelain veneers 130000  
  Metalceramic crown` Duceram Kiss (Germany) 38000  
  Metal-ceramic crown` Ivolcar Inline (Germany) 38000  
  Metal-ceramic crown` Noritake (Japan) 38000  
  Removable laminar denture 90000  
  Denture relining 10000  
  patchwork operation in the region of 4-6 teeth 60000  
  Treatment of alveolitis 15000  
  Root hemi section 20000  
  Tooth removing (complicated) 20000  
  Tooth removing 10000  
  Replantation and transplantation of tooth 25000  
  Apicectomy 35000  
  Installation of decorative ornaments 5000 - 50000  
  Implantation 180000 - 300000  
  Perforation of mucous membranes during pericaronaritis 10000  
  Impacted tooth removing 50000  
  Bleaching 60000  
  Braces system 300000  
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